Watch him like Wolves readying there attacks. When an inmate comes in for the first time and doesnt know anyone. And if there offering you protection you can guarantee that there going to seek sexual favors. If they show kindness or are trying to be helpful, it is only because they want something. Anywhere from a pack of cigarettes to 2 cartons. And make that person into a homosexual then sell him to other inmates or gangs. They pick a loner smaller weaker individual. Most of the prisoners who rape are spending from 5 to life. M.P, Arkansas, pro se federal civil rights complaint filed 8/2/96 In all reality, I was his slave, as the Officials of the Arkansas Department of Corrections under the ‘color of law' did absolutely nothing. Out of fear for my life, I submitted to sucking his dick, being fucked in my ass, and performing other duties as a woman, such as making his bed. I had no choice but to submit to being Inmate B's prison wife.