Free pictures of gay men embracing

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Director Hansal Mehta said the awkwardness was always intended in the scene. Meanwhile, a kissing scene between Pratik and Ranveer has left the viewers both amused and puzzled. The story follows how Manzu eventually comes out to Baai, embraces his homosexuality, and deals with pain as well as loss. Ranveer Brar makes an endearing acting debut, as Rajveer, a chef and Manzu’s lover and husband. Pratik’s character Manzu is a gay man who grew up in a conservative household and has come out to everyone except for his grandmother whom he calls Baai, played by the most prolific Tanuja. ‘Baai’ focuses on a homosexual love story, starring Pratik Gandhi and Ranveer Brar. In a recent conversation with Hindustan Times, the filmmaker and cast of the story talked about the episode and its success.

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Hansal Mehta’s ‘Baai’ is one of the offerings in Modern Love Mumbai in which the director has shown his brilliance of storytelling once again. The anthology consists of 6 beautiful love stories of different kinds adapted from the original series based on the New York Times’ popular Modern Love column. Amazon Prime Video’s latest anthology, ‘ Modern Love Mumbai’ is capturing the glances from all the corners ever since the release of its intriguing trailer.

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