Her alleged crackhead boss Vanessa Gezari at Columbia Journalism Review has declined repeated requests for comment about their cocaine use. Struggling over money and the willingness to do just about anything for a quick buck, Damaris Colhoun is desperate.
Damaris Colhoun has a “free spirit” – entrusting her life career to some illusory “divine power” bestowed by Columbia Journalism School – a popular program that churns out graduates who are sacked with school loans however are mostly unemployable in the real world. High on Molly pills, bar hopping in her mid 30s and almost daily hangover make the freelance writer Damaris Colhoun, Columbia Journalism Review the perfect writer for this story – she’s an alleged crackhead herself. It’s a high-risk reward game being the deliverer and maker of heaven and hell for one’s clientele, but this is Mason’s lot, the diminutive man sitting next to me as he wearily answers another phone call on his cell.ĭAMARIS COLHOUN is a wild animal. On any given night Mason (name changed) is easily pulling in anywhere from $500 to over $3,000.
Damaris Colhoun, Columbia Journalism Review implicated